Saturday, September 29, 2007

Twin B.O.Y.S!!!!!!

I'm really really excited! I didn't careiftheywere boys or girls But I thought it would have been TOTALLY cool if one was a boy and the other twin was a girl~ But, God has different ideas, two are boys! And as far as we know, there are only 2 living organisms right now! LOL. I can NOT wait! I wish my Moms duedate was tomorrow! Shout out to MAGIE, ADDIE, SYDNEY, MY BFFFFFFFFFFFS here in NC. And my BFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFS IN Cali, SABRINA, SAM, MACIE, ZACH (who now lives in Hawaii, unless you've moved again:). I kinda wish I still lived in CA, but then I'd have missed out on my awesome friends here, and I'm so sad they have to move... I hate moving! It tears up peoples lives!!!!!!!! ARGH!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Does anyone have a account? I do! I really like it, but none of my friends are ever on anymore... My name is Black_R1313 No no no! Stick to the stuff you know, if you wanna be cool follow one simple rule, don't mess with the flow, no noooo. Stick to the status quo!! Stick to the stuff u know, it is better by far to keep things as they are, don't mess with the flow no no. Stick to the status quo! See? I'm really really bored!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Hey Peoplz

Today was BORING in school. Nothing new. And I just spent the last 3 hours in my room doing absolutely NOTHING but reading a book that wasn't really that good. And *sigh* the 22nd of Sep. is the day we got to NC. And the 15th is when we left CA. So I've been really bummed this week and I haven't been feeling like myself... I love you Sydney, Addie, and Magie!

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Hi, long time no post! But I've been busy with skool and piano and Volleyball and Wednsday night things and church on Sundays and having to make time to read and post!!! But I almost never get to. I HATE Vanessa Anne Hudgens. She is so wierd! I mean, one moment she is on an interview saying "she's glad she's not like the other celebrity girls" and then she's posing NUDE!!!!!!!!!! ARGHHHH!! And since Zac Efron hasn't dumped her butt yet I don't think I like him any more either (Which if you knew me, that is a VERY VERY VERY wierd thing for me to say)!!! Okay, gotta stop my rant before I explode. And dinner is ready anyway. Bye!


Monday, September 3, 2007

I love Youtube! It's so cool because you can watch videos from anything and anywhere! But theres also a thing called, I'm going to it right after I post this. Wonder what it's like, but I know it's got Videos but I think it's only GOOD videos, not nasty, wierd, and gross, stupid things... I'm really starting to wonder...... I'm gonna go check it out. Post again in a sec.


Sunday, September 2, 2007

Today is the day after my birthday. Sucks, I don't feel 12, I still feel like I'm 11.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Hey peoples!! Whats up? Today is my b -day! My BFFS are coming today for the P-A-R-T-Y!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I won't be 12 until 4:23 PM Eastern Time and 1:23 PM Pacific time. I'm so excited I'll finally be my fave number! G2G