Saturday, September 29, 2007

Twin B.O.Y.S!!!!!!

I'm really really excited! I didn't careiftheywere boys or girls But I thought it would have been TOTALLY cool if one was a boy and the other twin was a girl~ But, God has different ideas, two are boys! And as far as we know, there are only 2 living organisms right now! LOL. I can NOT wait! I wish my Moms duedate was tomorrow! Shout out to MAGIE, ADDIE, SYDNEY, MY BFFFFFFFFFFFS here in NC. And my BFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFS IN Cali, SABRINA, SAM, MACIE, ZACH (who now lives in Hawaii, unless you've moved again:). I kinda wish I still lived in CA, but then I'd have missed out on my awesome friends here, and I'm so sad they have to move... I hate moving! It tears up peoples lives!!!!!!!! ARGH!

1 comment:

bug_bites_itch said...

Hey its MAGIE! your bff! I love your blog! I am excited for my lil' bros to come to! lol.ILY!